Maryland The Seventh State A History Book 5th Edition

Maryland The Seventh State A History Book 5th Edition
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Maryland The Seventh State A History Book 5th Edition

Regular price $75.00
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Maryland the Seventh State A History is the only complete, comprehensive history of the State of Maryland, and its twenty-four major subdivisions. It contains an in-depth history of Maryland's founding, involvements in various wars, and complete information on all historical areas for each town and city in Maryland. It also has information on everything Maryland, including each town and city as well as all named areas, and information on the area name and how it got its name. Also includes biographies of Maryland's noteworthy people, included in the county or Baltimore City chapter where they are from. Includes many photographs. It is the definitive work for learning all about Maryland, its founding, history, geography, character and interrelationships. Clearly explains why Maryland is called, "America in Miniature."
Over 1,000 pages with more than 2,000 photographs. This is a truly spectacular book!
Book is autographed by the author, John T. Marck.
Hardback Book. 5th and most recent edition.

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