Directions to The Maryland Store
Street address: 2200 Sykesville Rd. (Rt. 32), Westminster, MD 21157
Click Here for directions from Google Maps
Westminster Store Hours
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 11 - 4
Friday and Saturday 10 - 5
Sunday 12 - 4
Tuesday Closed
The Maryland Store in Westminster is closed on the following holidays:
New Year's Day (Jan 1st & 2nd), Easter Sunday, Mothers Day, Fathers Day,
Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day (Dec 25th & 26th)
For store information call 410-871-2498 any time or
call the store directly during shop hours only at 410-751-2050.
- Please note the following:
- If you are traveling some distance, and are coming to the shop to buy a specific item or a large quantity of any particular item please order online and choose local pickup or give us a call before coming to the store 410-871-2498 so that we can check our stock to make sure we have the items you need.
- Gift Baskets, Gift Tins, etc. are custom made when ordered. We do not usually have pre-made gift baskets at our retail location. If you want to purchase a gift basket at the store, please order online and choose local pickup or call 410-871-2498 at least 24 hours in advance and we will have it waiting for you to pick up. You can also choose items at the shop for your gift basket and we can arrange a convenient time for you to come back and pick up the basket or we will be happy to ship the basket for you at our regular shipping rates. We ship Nationwide and to select foreign countries.
From Baltimore:
From I-695 (Baltimore Beltway) take I-795 north to Rt. 140 West towards Westminster. On Rt. 140 go about 3 miles and turn left at the traffic light onto Rt. 91 South (Gamber Road). On Rt. 91, go about 1 3/4 miles to the 1st traffic light which is Deer Park Rd. Turn right and follow Deer Park Rd. approximately 4.5 miles to its end at intersection of Rt. 32. The store is in the old brick church directly in front of you across Rt. 32. Proceed across Rt. 32 into our parking lot.
From Washington D.C.:
From I-495 (Capital Beltway) take Georgia Ave (Rt. 97) North. Follow Georgia Ave. (Rt. 97) north about 40 miles to the intersection of Rt. 97 and Rt. 32 (Sykesville Road). Turn right on Rt. 32 and follow for 1 mile. The store is in the old brick church on the right at the intersection of Rt. 32 and Deer Park Rd. Alternately, take I-95 or I-295 north to I-695 (Baltimore Beltway) then follow the Baltimore directions.
From Annapolis, MD:
Follow Rt. 50 west to I-97 north towards Baltimore. Take the Rt. 32 exit towards Columbia then follow the Columbia directions.
From Columbia, MD:
Follow Rt. 32 North towards Eldersburg. After crossing Rt. 26 in Eldersburg continue on Rt. 32 about 10 miles to the intersection of Rt. 32 and Deer Park Rd. The store is in the old brick church on the left.
From Frederick, MD:
Take I-70 east to Rt. 97. Follow Rt. 97 North about 14 miles to Rt. 32 (Sykesville Road). Turn right onto Rt. 32 and go 1 mile to the intersection of Deer Park Rd. and Rt. 32. The store is in the old brick church on the right.
From Hanover, PA area:
Follow Rt. 194 south toward Littlestown. In Littlestown turn left onto Rt. 97 South. Follow Rt. 97 about 13 miles to Rt. 140 East. Take Rt. 140 East about 2 miles to Rt. 97 South (Malcolm Drive). Follow Rt. 97 South about 4 miles to the intersection of Rt. 97 and Rt. 32. Turn left onto Rt. 32 and go 1 mile to the store in the old brick church on the right.
- NOTE: For those that are familiar with the Westminster area, our store is approximately 1/2 mile south on Rt. 32 from Bullock's Restaurant and Meat Store. We sit on the corner of Rt. 32 and Deer Park Rd. in the old brick church building, across from the Liquor Store.
We're looking forward to your visit!
We accept following credit cards & payment methods in our store: